How to boost the nutritional value of your drinking water through remi – Ultra Lyte

How to boost the nutritional value of your drinking water through remineralization?

How to boost the nutritional value of your drinking water through remineralization?

How to boost the nutritional value of your drinking water through remineralization

What is remineralization?

Remineralization transforms your drinking water by reinstating essential minerals and enriching it with the nutrients that are vital for our vitality. Enhance the quality of your drinking water while nourishing your body, so you can implement healthier hydration habits.

If your water has been meticulously filtered and purified to perfection, this unfortunately also means the extraction of some critical minerals. However, there is a simple solution: enhancing filtered water with essential electrolytes and trace minerals is a user-friendly and potent way to get the nutritional value your body needs.

The desired outcome of remineralization is the rejuvenation of water, optimising the value of nutrients and taste while being environmentally friendly.

Remineralisation Essential minerals  

Trace minerals, despite having fewer nutritional needs, are still essential for several body processes, such as enzyme manufacturing, hormone generation, and immune system maintenance.

However, more significant nutrient needs for physiological functions require electrolytes. Electrolytes are minerals that, when dissolved in bodily fluids, transmit an electric charge. They are essential for several physiological processes, such as muscle contraction, nerve communication, fluid balance, and preserving the body's normal pH levels.

Overly purified water lacks essential minerals. Drinking water without these minerals may cause a deficiency in the long term due to an imbalance of electrolytes, which affects muscle function and bone health.

The benefits are not to be missed. Here is a brief table of the essential minerals and where we can find them in food sources:

List of essential electrolytes and trace minerals



Food sources


Fluid balance and nerve function

Table salt and processed foods


Muscle function and fluid balance

Bananas, potatoes, and leafy greens


Bone health, muscle contraction

Dairy products, leafy greens


Muscle and nerve function

Nuts, seeds, and whole grains


Acid-base balance, digestion

Table salt, seaweed     


Bone health, energy metabolism

Dairy products, meat, and fish


Trace Minerals  


Food sources  


Oxygen transport, energy production

Red meat, spinach, and beans


Immune function, wound healing

Meat, seafood, legumes


Enzyme function, iron metabolism

Organ meats, nuts, and seeds


Antioxidant defence, thyroid function

Seafood, Brazil nuts


Thyroid hormone production

Iodized salt, seafood      


Please take note that this table gives a summary of the vital electrolytes and trace minerals, as well as some illustrations of their sources in food. The precise dietary needs for these minerals might change depending on several factors, including age, gender, degree of exercise, and health. For individualised nutritional advice, always speak with a medical professional or certified dietitian.

Reasons why you should consider mineral drops to remineralize your filtered water

Improved taste and quality

Filtration improves the taste and quality of water by removing pollutants, odours, and unpleasant tastes. However, restoring minerals to the water can also improve its overall flavour and quality even more.

Remineralized filtered water will taste better and be more enjoyable to drink because electrolytes, which are charged particles, have been found to interact with taste receptors on the tongue. It also balances the pH of the water, meaning it will not be too acidic or alkaline, as this can negatively impact the taste.

Improves hydration

Not only does remineralization through the power of electrolytes and trace minerals create osmotic potential (the movement of water into and out of cells to keep the concentrations of substances in balance), This can encourage your cells to optimise their water intake, supporting better cellular hydration.

Mineral Deficiency Prevention

No one wants a mineral deficiency, and the best way to avoid this is through the remineralization of filtered water. It's not only convenient but also makes accessibility of essential sources of minerals straightforward.

You can always complement your food intake with an additional source of minerals; this will help you meet your daily nutritional needs and reduce the risk of deficiency.

Remineralization might be beneficial for at-risk populations. People with certain medical conditions and particular demographic groups, such as the elderly, pregnant women, and perhaps even children, may be more susceptible to mineral deficiencies. Their specific mineral requirements may be supported by remineralization. All remineralization should be carefully controlled to ensure optimum effect and no risk of under or exceeding the daily allowance.

Enhanced Nutrient Absorption by Bioavailability and Absorption

Enzymatic reactions, which the body needs to break down nutrients in the digestive system to facilitate their absorption and usage, are greatly influenced by minerals. Remineralized water can increase the digestive system's effectiveness, resulting in enhanced absorption.

A proper digestive system and nutrition absorption depend on a healthy gut bacterium. Remineralized water can enhance overall digestive health by helping to create a more balanced intestinal condition.

Effective methods for remineralization

Mineral drops are simplistic yet effective; they will add specific mineral content to your filtered water.

A list of what you need

  • Best with filtered or purified water
  • Mineral drops: why not try Ultra Lyte?
  • Measuring spoon or dropper. Remember to measure accurately to avoid under- or over-intake and get the best results.
  • Stirring utensil (optional)

Steps to remineralize and rejuvenate!

  1. When using commercial remineralization mineral drops, carefully follow the instructions and packaging guidance. You can then determine the dosage that is recommended.
  2. Use the included dropper or measuring spoon to add the recommended number of mineral drops to the stated amount of filtered water.
  3. Calculate the droplet size. Add the advised number of mineral drops to your filtered water using the accompanying dropper or measuring spoon. Depending on the product's quality and mineral content, which determine your goals, dosages may change. If there are no instructions, start with modest amounts and adjust as necessary.
  4. Blend or stir. You might wish to mix or stir the mineral drops, depending on the type, to make sure that they are dispersed evenly.
  5. If the taste is too strong or too weak, adjust. It's recommended to start with a smaller amount and gradually boost it until you reach the ideal balance for your tastes.
  6. Follow the storage directions and store the mineral drops away from direct sunlight in a cool, dry environment.
  7. When you wish to remineralize your filtered water, use mineral drops on a regular basis. Remember that excessive mineral consumption should always be avoided, so heed the dose instructions and consider the amount of minerals in your diet as a whole.


Quality of liquid minerals for remineralization

You need to consider the reputation of the brand when purchasing to ensure they uphold excellent control and quality standards to keep you safe and get the best quality products.

You want the following:


We all seek purity when we buy and ultimately consume liquid minerals that are bought from reputable suppliers and have undergone appropriate purification procedures. Products with pollutants, heavy metals, or dangerous modifications should not be used.

Mineral composition  

Always double-check the mineral composition of liquid minerals to ensure they contain the desired minerals that will give you the best outcome. If you're still not sure what would be best, you could always contact Ultra Lyte, which is a reputable company that specialises in scientifically backed products and will advise on the potential options available.


Bioavailability means the minerals are in their best form and are easily absorbed and utilised by the body. Liquid minerals have higher absorbability and digestibility. Determining bioavailability can be a complex process that involves scientific studies. However, as a consumer, you should consider the following:

  1. Make sure they are either chelated minerals or minerals that are highly soluble, because this means they may have higher absorption rates.
  2. Check the ingredients to see if they have any absorption enhancers such as vitamins or amino acids.
  3. Research product information that provides data from clinical studies that have supporting evidence of the bioavailability of liquid minerals


Concentration and dosage

Pay attention to dosage guidelines as different liquid mineral supplements can vary in concentration levels, which can impact the effectiveness and safety of use. It is vital to follow the recommended dosage instructions provided by the manufacturer or as advised by your health care professional, as they can determine the most appropriate liquid mineral dosage for your needs.

Packaging and storage

Packaging and storage play a vital role in maintaining the quality and efficacy of liquid minerals, especially when they are intended for remineralization purposes. The following can affect liquid mineral efficacy:

  • Air
  • Moisture
  • Light


Always look for liquid mineral supplements that are packaged in dark glass or opaque containers; these materials help protect and shield the minerals from light exposure. Transparent bottles should be stored somewhere dark.